Why Traditional Cybersecurity Solutions Can't Keep Up with AI Powered Threats

New Generative A.I. tools are being created to automate hacking attempts, building on the strong foundation provided by ChatGPT. Some of these tools, like WormGPT and FraudGPT, have been specifically created to help hackers become more effective and efficient in their attempts to hack the critical infrastructure systems that power today’s society.

The UK National Cyber Security Center issued a study highlighting that A.I. will almost certainly increase the volume and heighten the impact of cyber attacks over the next two years. It also highlights that these threats will not be novel but an evolution and enhancement of existing tactics, techniques, and procedures. Generative A.I. is forecast to dramatically affect two of the biggest initial threat vectors: Reconnaissance and Phishing.

A.I. can gather comprehensive intelligence on a target that mimics the old hacker trick of “dumpster diving.” A complete summary of an individual can be compiled automatically from business profiles and social media. A.I. can also be pointed at a critical infrastructure facility to determine what vendors they use and any known vulnerabilities. It can then create simple no-code scanning tools once the hacker is inside your network, i.e., when their phishing attack bears fruit.

Phishing will improve drastically with Generative A.I.. Many phishing attacks today are clumsy attempts to get you to click on a link to steal your credentials, install malware, or activate ransomware. With Generative A.I., hackers will send more effective emails, tricking the user because they use the right “voice” of the spoofed identity and can contain personalized information gathered during the reconnaissance phase.

New solutions are required to cut off these attack vectors and protect critical infrastructure networks vital for a nation’s operation. Existing solutions are too complex and expensive.

Watch Deep-Tech’s webinar to learn how Network Cloaking, OT Secure Remote Access, and Microsegmentation are the first line of defense against A.I. powered cyberattacks:

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